Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Desperate Wife. Impregnate Her For Me!

interracial couple man hugging wife

In a luxurious hotel, eastern side of Dublin, a couple, Tom Mahoney and Nadia was in their happiest moment. Everybody in the hall stood up, on a square stage decorated by stunning white and pink roses, Tom held his wife's hand and whispered softly wishing her a happy anniversay for their 15 years of marriage. Then he gave her a warm long kiss on her lips as a singer began singing a romantic love song.

The loveful kiss occurred almost in one minute long. Some friends of the couple teased them by any sounds and whistlings to make the couple realized that they were not alone there. The couple ended the kisses with flushing face. The guests then came close and wishing the happy couple. While receiving all the wishes Tom repeatedly glanced to his beautiful wife. He was so happy to see her smiling and enjoying the moment after the last misscarriage which had made her so sad. He held the party devoted for this woman he loves so much.

One more surprise was waiting for his wife. Soon, the hotel's manager brought out a cake for the couple. It was really a wonderful big cake.

After that the prime session of the party, all people had a dinner. Several guests was involved in light conversation. Everybody was absorbed in joyness. The couple eachself had parted for their friends.

After a little talks with some of her women friends on the second floor, Nadia wandering around amongst the guest as occasionally smiled or nodded to some guests. She looked all over the hall for seeking her husband. She then noticed Tom had already been with all the family.

Nadia, looked at the family members comprising her husband’s, Mrs. Margo her mother in law, his 2 sisters and their husbands included their kids. Tom's father, Mr. Del Mahoney was in London for his business.

As paying attention to the kids which was running around in any directions with the happy laughing, Nadia's feeling which was full of joy, gradually faded as she realized that only her in the family which had no kids... She got lonely.

The kids then swarmed around Tom. Those three cute girls starded clapping and wishing the beefy uncle a happy anniversary. Tom's face looked so happy to receive all the wishes. She then saw he pulled up the smallest girl, the little cousin chuckled as rubbing his beard. Tom appeared enjoying the moment.

When she stepped down, Tom smiled at her while still holding his cousin on his body. Nadia smiled back a little. From his gesture and those brown eyes, Nadia could catch his great longing for having a kid... Mrs. Margo which stood beside Tom, stared at her with cold eyesight. Nadia looked down, she knows the thing in her mother in law's mind...a dissatisfaction...the impatience.

Nadia walked close to the happy family. Tom kissed her after putting the little cousin down. "I love you," He gazed her with great love...

But suddenly a friend dragged him. He could only shrug and looking at her before turning around to the crowd. Nadia let him with his close friends again.

Awkwardly she then opened a little conversation with her mother in law. Just a small talks. Actually she's not so comfortable to be close with her mother in law. She's a classy lady and perfectionist. Nadia seldom had a thought that all she did and she said in front of everybody was fake, just to make she appeared to have a good manner as every classy woman should to do...

Nadia felt Mrs. Margo had gradually become apathetic to her, especially when she couldn't give her a grandchild yet after for years marrying her son. Tom is expected to continue the Mahoney's family name since he's only the son in that prominent family.

Nadia was about to take leave her mother in law when she saw a mature lady came to their direction as grinning from ear to ear. Mrs. Margo detained Nadia to introduce her to the woman who was coming close.

She's a fat woman. Looked so conspicious with that colorful floral gown. Mrs. Margo cheerfully greeted the guest who she knew then, that she's Mrs. Margo's friend from Tennessee.

When Mrs. Margo introduced Nadia, immediately the fat woman looked at her. She then give a cynical smile and said, “You must be Tom's barren wife, right?” The fat woman stared at her like one who had no any sensitivity...!

Nadia was staggered to get her straightforward words. She then just got statued for seconds like one who had lost her conciousness.

When she glanced aside, Nadia saw Mrs. Margo was gaping, looked at her face in shamefaced. She let out awkward short laughing. She seemed to feel embarrassed and tried to change the topic. Though she tried to act unoffended, Nadia could notice her mother in law had given her a brief sharp looking while they're talking. Those eyes must be telling that the daughter in law had been disgracing her.

Nadia then found the spiteful woman began to scrutinizing her from up to down as if examining her marriage and about to write a big "barren wife" in her forehead.

Though it made her uncomfortable, Nadia managed herself to appear as natural as possible, tried to not affected by her sudden judging. But, in desperate attempt to hold her eyes from watering, she could only forced a little smile then caught on throat, she said politely to take leave them and aimlessly walked away from there which was definitely the most thing she wanted to do on her mind.

As tried to hold back the tears which began to fill her eyes, she tried to find her direction. The first she saw through the blurred eyes by the tears, was the door at the side.

She made her way to the door, but she then slowed down her walks as she could still hear the fat woman kept talking about her with her mother in law. There was a large pillar which had a rounded dragon ornament on it. She then turned aside and stood behind the wide pillar because of felt curious wanted listening their conversation. No people around there.

The spiteful woman sounded, "So, you still keep her with your son? If I were you, I would ask her to go away!"

Nadia blinked by the words, a tear fell down her cheek. She sharpened her ears and slightly leaned the left side of her head againts the pillar.

After no words for a while... "I can't do anything with that. My son seems love her so much. Honestly I don't like her anymore!"

Nadia could hear clearly what Mrs. Margo had said about her in the back. She was shocked and quivering...!

"Let me give you advise, persuade your son to leave her! Don't waste whole his live for a barren woman! Fifteen years and you didn't do anything? I can't believe!!"

"I will be considering it."

Hearing her mother in law said that, Nadia stood like one in a trance... Though she knows her mother in law doesn't like her, it hurts to get a reality that she had said those statements. She wanted Tom marrying another woman and urguing the son to leave her!

Nadia was really wanting to fly away as far as she could...but she could only wiped her tears... Felt shattered, she walked in hurry toward the exit door of the building on the side.

In her way, at a glance, she saw her husband was still engrossed talking with his friends. Tom himself, could recognize her. He smiled as slightly waving his hand. But Nadia refused to meet his eyes and walked away.

She stumbled outside and reached a dark place at the corner. She took a deep breath and looked to the dark sky. Her glistening tears had already flooded her eyes. No words were muttered but her heart cried out to God in anguish. Her broken heart was overlapped with her anger at Him which had gradually been an anger to herself. She felt not blessed and loved by God, by anyone!

She still couldn't believe, how come someone could speak that such thing in the first meet! She isn't barren like that fat woman had called her! Nadia argued in her mind.

"One day I will have a Baby!! Let's see!" The distressed woman cursed unconsciously. Her heart was filled with a bunch of anger, sadness and also upset feeling!

Felt overwhelmed by the giddiness because of the reality she had gotten for this long years and that conversation between Tom's mother and the cruel woman, she leaned weakly againts the wall and crying in the darkness.

With the tears flowed like a river, Nadia's mind then ran back to the fifteen years ago... Tom was walking back from his work one evening and met her in a nursing course she was attending. Unexpectedly, a month later he came to her parents to marry her when he knew another guy was around her.

Yeah, that time, Mark Lambert, her best friend had been dating her before Tom came. The charming guy, Tom Mahoney had stolen her heart and she decided to go for this Irish romantic man. When they married, she was 22 and Tom was 26.

And then....she found a bitter reality that she couldn't give him a baby... Fifteen years felt so long vain journey without a kid...

She remembered, the first months of their marriage, all seemed to be perfect. Mrs. Margo and family liked her which made she felt bold to life happy forever with his husband...

But...over the months then the next 2 years...she didn't get any sign of pregnancy.... Her worries started to grow. The problem in her womb and some other terrible issues within her body began to consume her in fear about never get pregnant. Allusions about her as a barren wife and the demanding to give a birth of baby for the Mahoney's clans, it took those words to fully took her in great anxiousness.

Yet, her husband didn’t seem to feel worry at all, even till now... He simply wants to be happy with her. He accompanied her in joy and sorrow and takes care of her in the most beautiful ways he could.

Any efforts to make them getting a baby had been done...but no result.

Five years ago, they did in vitro fertilisation. Six months after the programme, Nadia began to feel sick. She was confirmed that the programme had succeeded, she got pregnant!! They almost could not believe the news. Tom was overjoyed and he began to take extra care of his wife, and he granted her whatever she wanted.

They're so excited their first baby will be coming. And...one night she got bleeding! And...they must let their baby gone.....

Tom then urged her to do it for the second time. It was succeeded and stated that they would get twin baby! Tom became over protective this time. He made her lie in bed all days long. And, in the seventh week, he slyly said he had found the perfect gift for her and the babies. Tom built a new room and a full set of twin boys equipments and its knick knacks! But, again...their babies couldn't last more than first threemesters....

In that the dark corner, Nadia stood wobbly, felt miserable by all her unblessed life in the silent grievings...

So, you're here sweetheart..." A sudden tender voice made her jolted out of her deep sadness. She knew it was her husband.

"What are you doing here?” Her husband said again softly.

She, hastily wiped her face which filled with tears.

He stared at her in confusion, "What happens.....?"

Immediately, her mother in law's words came flashing on her mind. Nadia began to cry again, tears down her pale cheeks. It's so hurts in her throat. She bowed her head to hide the tears from her husband.

Tom bent his head to search for her face, “Why do you cry my sweet honey...? Are there someone hurt you?”

Nadia didn't talk, she just sniffling in pain.

"We can find a place for us to talk..." Tom said fondly as sliding his right hand to the back of her waist.

Tom lead her wife to find a private spot and it took us nearly 10 minutes from the previous place. It's located in another side of the hotel's garden. It was quiet enough for them. The couple sat on a half-vacant bench. Tom brought her close, letting her leaned on his body. He hugged her affectionatelly.

The park was surrounded by a lot of large trees, three garden lamps gave dim light to the neat garden. A mild breeze swirled around in their direction.

Nadia was still crying. For a few minutes, Tom whispering some comforting words and caresses on her arms, expecting she got a better feeling. Gradually the cries faltered. He suggested her to take a breath to loosen her hurt feelings.

He gave his wife a tender gaze and grabbed her hand, "Why....?"

"I can't give you a baby...." She said weakly.

Finally the husband could catch what's the thing made her crying. It is a great issue and sensitive topic of their marriage and he could easily understand her feeling. He grabbed her tighter. He kept hugging for a moment. He was also feeling that the hopelessness. Then he took her beautiful face in his hands and gave her the deepest, loving kiss ever.

After kissing, he still held her in his thick hands and said, "I have given you all from my side, everynight I pray to God to make me life forever so we can love each other until my death."

Then he continued, “Our marriage has been truly becoming our small wonderful world...  God gives this world for us to fly around. Without kids we will always happy,” Tom said as forced a grin. His eyes were glinting.

He then slid down and squated on the grass. "I did marrying you after I saw you so gorgeous with that nurse dresses and that’s why I love you immediately that evening...do you remember it? No need anything else to make me happy more in life." He said fondly as smiled. The corner of his eyes crinkled, he got flash back to the first time he saw this gorgeous woman.

Nadia looked up to her husband's face. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and she saw how handsome he looked....as always. A shaved facial hair adorned his face. He was astonished for a moment as she felt very guilty...! This nice man, with all of his loves, devoting and sincerenity, had been marrying her for fifteen years....but she couldn't give his loving husband a child....!

She then glanced away, "I wanted you to merry another woman..." The words came out unintentionally though she knows it will make her shattered to see the man she loves so much with another woman.

Tom got startled in confusement, “What...? I...I don’t understand.”

"I will let you find another woman....."

Tom stood up abruptly as staring at her. “Which kind joke be this?"

Nadia looked back to him, she felt her face was heated up and cold in the same time, “You need a wife who can give you a baby."

"Stop, Nad!" Tom spoke in slight high tone. “Please don't think about it, honey! Don't ever say that words again, Okay!”

"You have spent the precious years of your life with a woman who could not give you a child. I have been labelled a barren woman! Don't you understand? I don't want you to waste the rest of your life with me!”

Tom stared at her face. His face getting serious, “I did not come to you because I wanted a child. I came to you for companionship!”

Nadia raised her body shakily and stumbled away from her husband. Her mother’s in law conversation was still resounded in her mind.

"All people have been gossiping me, even your Mama! She...she....!!" Nadia couldn't continue her words, it felt pain so great.

"What has she said?" Did she talk something about you?"

"Yes, your Mama! She said she don't like me anymore!!" Nadia got a mild hysterical and began to cry uncontrollably.

Tom stepped close to her. He had been truly knowing of her mother’s personality. He must ended the whole conversation before her wife's distressing heart made her crying loudly and then reproved by the hotel's manager.

“Don't listen what she says. No one can interrupt this our life, about what we must to do? Open your heart, my sweetheart. Don't make anyone and anything change our storylife...!" He softened his deep voice.

He grabbed softly his wife's trembling body, grasped her tightly. "Please, we should keep strong....!

But Nadia was still crying..... "I want to get Pregnant!! I want a Baby!! She said desperately as wailing. The poor wife sobbed in his hugging. Her relentless tears damped his tuxedo....

"Yes, We Will....! God not deaf...We have been praying to God almost everydays. One day He will grant our wishes. Please don't give up...!"

Tom kissed her crown and caressed her damped hair, "Tell what you want me to do... I promised I will do anything for you...!

Tom kept enfolding her wife close, let her crying and whining on his beefy chest. The hotel's garden was quiet. The large trees surround them were like the silent witness of the gloomy couple. A mild breeze still swirled around, but the leaves were silent...

His affectionate caresses, fond kisses and tender words, finally could ease her woes. After a view minutes, she's completely ended crying. She then just sniffled with swollen red eyes.

Tom sighed deeply as gazing his love. He felt relieved and said, "Next month...for two weeks, we will visit another wonderful place in Philliphine! We will stay on private island, we'll have great time there!"

She looked up, it seemed the despair and misfortune feeling had been overtaken by the feeling of being loved. She leaned her head to his chest and then said weakly, “I love you.”

"I love you too...." Tom whispered tenderly as caressing her brown hair as looked blankly to the dark..... He was silently getting that doubt feeling...about how to fullfill his wife's strong urge to have a baby after all their efforts had not given any result......?!

The party was ended. The couple went back to their house.  In their big house there was only a housemaid.

A while after the bell rang, the young housemaid opened the door. The Asian girl named Lyn had been working there for these two years.

She seemed to pay attention to the couple's tired face. Especially the gloomy appearance of the wife which had swollen eyes and pale. She looked curious, but didn't try to give any asking.

Actually, Nadia felt awkward, she had cryed in their happy anniversary, she tried to hide her bloodshot eyes by walking straight to rest on the couch for a while as then asking the housemaid to make a drink.

A minute later, the housemaid came to give her a warm drink as smiled a little and walked to the front door.

Nadia sighed in her sitting, she could catch her maid's courtesy and austerity. She noticed the girl not a crotchety girl even since she came, Nadia never found a boy be with her. "This girl has really a good manner..." She got a brief thought as looked her from behind.

Nadia saw Tom thanked her when the housemaid helped him bringing some gifts from the car. The girl just bowed a little and smiled clumsily.

For a couple days later, Nadia was still with her mild sorrowness. The strong urge to have a baby still ruined her mind. As always, Tom had been attempting in many ways he could do to make her wife got a little spirit again and forgetting their bitter life for no kids in their big house.

But no result...even her distressed feelings had made her lack of  enthusiasm and energy. She only wanted to stay in her bedroom. She let Lyn, the housemaid to prepare all of Tom's needs.

After a week, Nadia eventually realized that her husband need her. In the morning she wook up earlier, intended to cook for Tom's breakfast. Lyn helped her in the kitchen.

Waiting the foods cooked, Nadia walked upstairs to the bedroom. She was going to wake her husband up and showering.

Tom was still sleeping and snoring. Nadia kissed her lovely husband in his nose, "Wake up honey..." She said softly.

He grunted as opened his sleepy eyes and yawned.

Nadia wrinkled her nose, but then she place her hands on his forehead and caressed it up to his hair, "It's time to wake up... I'm cooking for your breakfast." Nadia said fondly as forced a little smile.

Tom looked surprised to see her, feeling relief was flushed on his face. He placed his palm on her cheek and gazed her throught those heavy eyelids, "Finally I can see the adorable smile again on this beautiful face..."

Nadia gazed him back deeply as smiling, but then she said eagerly, "Come on, you must go work!"

Tom grunted  as then grabbed the her too his beefy body.

It made she let out a little screaming. Nadia tried to pull herself away from the naughty husband, "You must take shower now, Big boy...!" Weakly she said.

Unwillingly, Tom loosened his grasping and lazily walking away to the bathroom.

Nadia went back to the kitchen. Lyn was cooking the meals, Nadia took over the cooking and let the housemaid to prepare the plates and drinks on the table,

Felt busy with her cooking, she asked Lyn to bring a glass of water to the bedroom for her husband's supplements.

The obedient housemaid immediately doing what she had asked. She walked upstairs with a glass of water. She opened the door and walked inside toward the nightstand to place the drink.

And......Suddenly she heard...!

"Honey, where's my clothes?"

Instantly the young girl turned back as then caught on throat letting out a short scream! She saw he was naked without anything covering his hairy wet body...only a towel on his hand!

Tom got startled by her existence! He didn't aware, the housemaid was there as he was drying his face with the towel!

"Oh, You...!!" He yelled in a jolt! In awkward manner he quickly covered his private toll with the towel!

"So...sorry, mister!" The young housemaid hurriedly walked toward the door and almost ran she went back to the kitchen.

The young housemaid came to the kitchen still with the shocked appearance. She was trembling.

Nadia looked confuse to see the young girl's strange behaviour. It seemed as if she just saw a monster...! "What happen with you, Lyn?" She stared her questionably.

The girl just shook her head with no words.... Her face was really flushing as then continuing her work.

Felt curious, Nadia came upstairs to the bedroom. He found her husband was dressing. The handsome beard man looked to be in slight nervousness when she came inside.

"She looked so nervous... Has she looked something here, what happened, honey?" She asked in curiosity.

"Umm..." Tom replied hesitantly, "She had seen me without....umm..." He glanced down in brief and moved awkwardly in front of the mirror.

Nadia could understand what had happened quickly, "How come?" But then she let out a little chuckle, "So, she just saw a monster!" She said as slightly patting her husband's pants on its front side.

Tom's face flushed by her teasing....

They came down to the kitchen. Nadia found the girl was still quivering and nervous. When she asked her to take a plate for her husband, the housemaid moved awkwardly, she almost made the plate slipped down...!

Nadia also saw the same with her husband. He didn't even dare to look at the girl...

Nadia then just looked to his husband which was looked down eating his breakfast and then she glanced to the housemaid which was backing them cleaning the steamer...

She noticed Lyn was a beautiful girl...even in that plain housemaid clothes.

Nadia, the desperate wife, the barren woman who's really longing to have a baby.....for a while just looked blankly at the young Asian housemaid like one who had lost her senses.... "She's nice and polite...this girl has a good manner... She would become a good wife....." She mused unconsciously...

And, suddenly came into her mind, exactly from nowhere...a truly a sudden thought which made her got bright flashes in her brain...!! Her lips was a little bit opened, a glint sparkled in her brown eyes...... Finally she found someone who could help her to get a Baby!!

There's something surged up from her deepest desperate mind which had already taken over her common sense, it whispered telling her that she must make Lyn, the housemaid to get pregnant with her husband's baby..........!!
You're invited to continue this story!
Genre: : Contemporary True Romance Story with bitter scenes
Characters:  Nadia (the distressed barren wife, loves her husband so much, loving person, sensitive and labil), Tom (Nadia's husband, the loving husband, polite and respect to others) Mrs. Margo (Tom's mother, loves the son so much, perfectionist, classy lady), Lyn (The obedient housemaid, a village girl, austere asian woman)
Plot/Setting: Dublin, Ireland
Storyline's Random Keys: Sadness, the depressed barren wife, desperate to have a baby, crazy idea takes over her common sense, persuade her husband to marry the housemaid though it's hurts
Point Of View: Third person limited multiple POV (in Nadia, Tom and Lyn's perspective)

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