To make this group storytelling game run perfect and health, everyone should refer to the terms:

1. All the contributions have to keep to the overall theme of the stories, which is in romance area, the story about relationship between two person or more with its drama/problematics, the happiness, tragedy, romantic moments, funny moments, sadness, etc.

2. Only Author can add or remove characters and decide to finish or create new chapter of each stories.

3. The comment box is only for the purpose of continuing the stories. It's not for commenting/judging other contributors and their writings. Please respect to each other.

4. Please keep the story as romance story, not porn story. If there are sexual scenes, keep it implisite and classy, not vulgar.

5. After you write your part, you can place your 1 link under your writing (it can be anything: blog link, store link, etc). Give enough space from your writing.

Thank you!