Saturday, May 19, 2018

Let Me to be Him, The Man You Love!

sad woman crying man tears

"I don't want you to die!! Please...Don't leave Me!! Don't you remember...We'll have a baby.....! You've promised that we'll be together....forever and never end our dreams. You promised me to raise our son together till he becomes a soldier like You! Please don't leave me.... I Love You! You cannot do this to me! Why!!"

Alya screamed and thrashed in her mother and father's hugging once they got the news of fatal accident had happened to Sandro, Alya's husband.

Mia, Alya's mother as herself trying hard to hold back her tears, grasped and hugged her daughter tightly to comfort her mournful cries. When seeing Deandra, Alya's sister came, Mr. Jim separated himself from the commotion to phone Sandro's parents about the accident.

Mrs. Mia almost couldn't handle her grieving daughter, till gradually this poor young woman faltering and then slumped down on her mother's arms. Deandra helped her mother which was almost falling down by the weight.

The sudden news of Sandro's death had made all of the family life and soul got shattered. The ones most broken soul, of course Alya. Sandro and Alya have married for eight years. They love to each other. Everybody knows it. And happened, the handsome big man had left her forever in their happiest moment, Alya was pregnant their first baby...

In the funeral, the sad wife could only sit weakly on a wheelchair, with relentless tears while wailing the man she loves so much.

Back home from the cemetery, with glazed eyes...she just moved to her room and locked herself.....she's inside her room for a day long till night. Neither did she talked to anyone nor did she opened the door...

In the next morning, the loving Mom tried to persuade her to open the door as brought some foods, but Alya still locked herself. Mia felt so worry for her daughter and the baby, almost every hours she called her name again and again hoping she's out of the room. Eventually in the second night, when she knocked the door, it's finally unlocked. Quietly she entered the room. She found her daughter was just sitting on the bed facing the closed window. She approached her poor daughter. She stroked her matted hair affectionately....but no reaction...!

Even she didn't seem listening her mother was speaking.... Alya went numb....! She just didn't react at all, her eyes looked so dull of any expressions.

Almost two weeks, Alya was still in her silent world of grief... Unspoken, only blank stare when families or friends came, as if her souls was somewhere apart from her body. Even there's no single drop of tear from her eyes now.....

Everybody in the house were all so worried. It's all the more dangerous for her..... She was expected to scream and cry her heart out to release her sadness. Doctor diagnosed that it was caused by the great intensity of the depression which she couldn't deal with. And, for the sake of her baby and the mom herself, he suggested them to give her every possible supports.

Her family members had made every possible efforts...but still had no result. While she's inside her room, she just sat at a place seeing no where at particular..... She often just kept looking at her husband's picture.

Since the tragedy, Sandro's parents always came to look out her daughter in law as well Sandro's old brother and sister and also his grandmother. Only one person from the family which had not come yet. He lived abroad in Dubai, and couldn't immediately fly home due to the important job. He promised to come home as soon as his works had been completed.


The third week after the death news, he had finally arrived... After doing a little conversation with Alya's parents, he was now making his way walked towards the hapless wife's bedroom. He stepped upstairs with some musings in his mind.

And when he opened the door slowly... He found all were really in the somber athmosphere. The room was so dim as the curtain was completely drawn. It's as gloomy as the person who was staying there. In his shadowy vision, he saw the woman....who he loves secretly...was sitting frozen, back him on the edge of the bed. She was looking down...lifeless...

This the sturdy guy looked at the distressed woman in disbelief. His eyes glistened, her condition made him felt miserable... She found she was so skinny and appeared to be like a wilt flower. He used to see her as a beautiful flower that he would love forever in his deepest heart. And, even after he himself decided to marry a girl of his parent’s choice, he still couldn't get rid of his love for this woman.

Quietly he stepped close to the dark figure. Didn't know what to do, he just then stood still...though in his mind, he's really wanting to rush and hug her tightly, gave support, encouraged her to life forward even without her lovely husband.

At the end, he could only let out a word. "Alya..." He tried to manage his hoarse voice.

Surprisingly, the poor woman slightly raised her head...!

To see that a little reaction from the numb woman, he tried to say something again, wishing his sayings can make the dispaired woman showed more reactions.

"I feel so sorry..."

This time she gave more visible responses, her body tightened and trembled like a hidden power button had just been turned on, somewhere within that the half dead soul and physique. Slowly she turned her head around...

He stared at the woman face. The man felt shocked to see her like that. That face was so pale. But...he could notice there was a flash of sparkle inside those dull brown eyes.

Alya felt that she was just like heard someone she's missing so much, which she's really longing for that person to come! She lifted her stiff neck up to look directly to the spot where the voice came.

Seeing the person who had said the words, still with a trembling body, Alya tried to lift her body as turning her body around in wobbly movement and tried to step forward... With one hand on the bed to balance herself from falling down, she crambled...then stumbling toward the tall guy in front of her... But, she was too feeble to rush to him even on her own. She almost fell headlong onto the floor when she raised her hand up the bed.

The man reached her body quickly and hugged her close, letting his big body supporting that weak figure.

Still with unsteady posture, she looked upwards to the guy's face, astonished.....! She raised her quivering hands up and then touched his cheeks, and said, " it you....?" Her weak sound was almost inaudible. "It's you...?!" Her eyes glinted in darkness. "You're really here...?! You're not died, You're still alive!!" Her body shook involuntrally. She looked surprised!

To hear she said that, the guy's face looked confuse, "Sorry Aly, I...I'm..." He stammered.

"My Big Koala, you're here! You're back for me.... How have you been, why you disappeared?" Alya spoke uncontrolably. While saying that, tears began to fill her glared eyes. She stared at him in disbelief.

The guy was more confused about what should he do...! She had been lost her mind. He knows the Big Koala was her given name for her lovely husband...and this made him uncomfortable. He avoided her eyesight and ignoring those questions as trying to pull her hands out of his face with a gentle gesture. He must tell her that he's not her Man....!

"Sorry, Alya," He said carefully. "I am not your..."

But, she then unexpectedly kissing his lips! Instantly, he didn’t know how to open his mouth by the kissing. Get a kiss and touchings from the woman she loves was enough to black his mind out. For a while the guy just got transfixed...

When his consciousness back, the guy tried to step backward, but the woman clung herself tightly as if didn't want to lose him again. "You promised me you’ll take care of me, you’ll always be with me until the day I died! Please don't leave me....! How am I going to live without you?” She talked the same things repeatedly amongst her crying and whining while her hands ran wild throughout that manly face.

It was truly a sad thing to listen those whimpering words.… This made his heart deeply touched. He's trully getting a dilema, in one side he had a thought that he should tell her what she was thinking about the man in front of her was wrong, but at the other side he didn't want to hurt her.... the end, the big tall guy could only let she kissed him passionately, letting her hands wiping and rubbing the dark beard on his face, stroking his hairs and his upper body...

The suffered wife could even stood steady now, as if she had been getting a great spirit!

She gave a jolly hug for the guy who she thought was truly her lovely husband. She asked the guy to touch her rounded belly and talked to the baby in her womb. She spoke eagerly amongst her happy crying, little laughing and all those excitement!

The guy awkwardly try to fulfill everything she wanted to do...with glassy eyes. And...he still didn't let out any words.

And... Suddenly Alya stopped all of her motions...! Noticing the "husband's" odd behaviours, no speaking at all and didn't even give her a fond kiss on her forehead, she got a doubt feeling. It isn't really her husband's habit...! She looked directly to the guy's face in suspicious manner. And....Without any warning, some visual imaginaries flashing randomly in her mind's eye! She slightly moved backward, couldn't really sure what happened! She's like facing another guy in her dim room...!

Alya bewildered glaring at the guy's face, her body tensed.

The guy could recognize that she's eventually almost on the way of becoming the realism of herself again!

"I'm not Sandro....." He said hesitantly.

And then, it seemed like the reality had hit her! He pulled her body away from that big figure. "Who are you....?"

"I...I am....Landro...." With a deep sense of guilt he said that slowly. He knew, this could make her heart broken and shattered those the new spirits which she just got back a few moments ago...

Alya stared to his face with the mouth opened....

Landro is Sandro's twin brother. They're absolutely identical in physique.When they're younger, they loves any sport activities. Actually the twins have warm personality, but Landro is more calm than his brother. He preferred to be an architect while Sandro assigning to Australia military academy.
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Genre: : True sweet romance story with bitterness
Characters:  Alya (the depressed wife, tender woman), Sandro (The passed away husband, a loving husband), Landro (Alya's brother in law, Sandro's twin brother, cool person, romantic, loves Alya secretly), Mrs. Mia (Alya's mother, a loving mom), Mr. Jim (Alya's father), Deandra (Alya's sister)
Plot/Setting: Canberra (Australia)
Storyline's Random Keys: Sadness, Landro's secret love to Alya, Alya is going depressed, Alya feels lonely
Point Of View: Third person omniscient POV (Author and Contributors know everything)

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  1. "No... no...!" Alya stepped backwards as shaking her head... Her pale lips quivered.
