Sunday, May 20, 2018

Taming The Lost Hunky Bear

cold guy handsome face

I turned my sight around. A slight cool breeze blew in my direction and I inhaled deeply. My agent told me that there was a group of large oak trees near the house I was going to go. And that was easy to notice. From a far the oak trees stood sturdy in front of a large wooden gate. I walked down toward the tall gate along the path with the lush green scenery at both sides.

Actually, I was feeling nervouse as the place was so quiet as it's a remote area of Darlington. As I came close to the gate, I tried to sniffing the fresh, semi forest air which gradually mixed with flowers fragrance. Carefully, I opened the gate. As the gate opened wide, the large garden exposed stunningly for my eyesight. I stood astonished.... Over the beautiful garden I saw the largest building I had ever seen. It was in classical architecture. Steadying my intention I made my way the house's front door.

I'm a nurse. This day I had an appointment with a family for confirming my job to take care of a man in that house. The agent informed me that the patient was paralyzed below his waist after the car accident.

I thought, it's ok I have to tend an old man with physical disability, as I used to handle any kind of decrepit peoples. I enjoyed my job, though some patients had given me some difficulties, like the old grandma I took care of before who got me overwhelmed by her captiousness as well her accute senility, or that the irritable old man which had been, finally dead last month. He was not dead by my hand! God finally decided to take him home to the peaceful hereafter by a heart attack a moment after he scolded his nosy grandson!.

I did my works with love and sincerity and all had done perfectly. And the most important thing was that the job could fund all my life needs. My family wasn't poor, but also not rich. After a private nursing course, finally I got this honorable job for these 3 years.

A while after I rang the bell, a black woman which I thought the housemaid opened the door. After I told her my intention, she let me in as she then moving upstairs. A minutes later, a mature woman came down. She's so beautiful in chic white dress and diamond jewelries. She gave me a light smile. She seemed pretty nice, I got my first impression of her.

"So, maybe I have to cure her husband..." That was a thing that came to my mind then.

"Hello, you're that nurse, right? I'm Marrielle, call me Mary!" She greeted me warmly.

"Yes, Mam. I'm Nadine. Nice to meet you!"

"Oke, to the point of your work, lady! Sorry, I'm in hurry for my reunion!" She said as looked at her gold watch.

 "I will let you to meet him. He's in the backyard, come on follow me!"

I followed her. It was so big house with classic furnitures and a little bit modern touching by those electronic equipments. I noticed there were big screen televisions in some rooms.

Took several minutes long to reach the back side of the house which we must pass over three to four rooms. From the wide window glass, I could see a neat lawn with some flowering shrubs and green trees. She stopped walking and turned around to face me. She stared to my face for a while as if felt something which seemed quite serious...!

"Before you meet him, there is something you should to know...!"

"Oke.... What is it about?" I felt curious.

She took a sigh before open her red lips, "He has been facing the worst period of his life now... Before you, there were other 5 nurses had come. And, all of them have given up because of his bad tempers...!" She stared me hesitantly. "Even the last two...." She stopped.... "Those two men came to me with some bruises on their limbs and face, even one guy had been lost his teeth! I don't know how he did that with his condition....!" She whispered.

Her words slightly made me worried. "How could an old man, paralyzed can do that such things...?!" I mused.

"I hope you could understand and not get shocked by his reaction." She said again as moving her one hand gestured me to step close to the window.

"That he's. You see?"

Outside in the garden I saw a man was sitting on a wheelchair facing the pool. From behind, I could guess he's a big man...his shoulders looked sturdy. I glanced to Mrs. Mary and looked her with my worry face. He could do anything with that big posture even in wheelchair!

Mrs. Mary seemed can read what was the thing in my mind, "He was a Rugby player.... Not a Kickboxer!"

"Are you ready...?" She looked unsure to ask.

I just nodded.

Mrs. Mary quickly opened the door, I walked behind her as my doubts ran around in my brain. "What if he doesn't like me? Would he chase me away? Would he kick my face too? But I need money! I should do this!" I encouraged myself.

As we came close to the man on the wheelchair, the little wind blew his strong, delicious scent of a musky and Citroen aromas which then curls in our direction. He smelt so good! "Every rich people would always want to have a good smells even when they ill....!" I thought.

I examined him from behind, he had tattoos on his left arm. He had thick beard on his face, but I still couldn't see his face.

"Mornin' honey." Mrs. Mary said lovingly.

The man only gave a slight reaction....

Mrs. Mary said again as saw me while putting her hands on wheelchair's handles, "Mom will introduce you to someone..." She turned the wheelchair around a little, but the man kept his head facing the pool.

Then she caressed his shoulders affectionatelly and touching his cheeks from behind, her fingers slid down along his bushy beard and turning his head softly to my side then lift his chin a little to make he looked at me.

As she raised that stiff neck up... I got surprised to see his face! He's a young man, about 28 or early thirties, I thought.  Yeah, I had guessed he was old man! He would be her son. He's handsome though in those wild beard...!

With the face turned up in her mother's hands, the young man looked at me briefly.....with a cold eyes. His eyes glanced aside, looked not friendly...!

"This is Brendan, my handsome boy!" Mrs. Mary said proudly by her son. Still with her hand in his bushy chin.

He blinked, seemed dazzled by the morning sun, those black eyes glinting some sparkles. As her mom put away her hands, he glanced away coldly as her thick hands rolled the wheelchair back to face the pool.

"Honey, ehmm... This's your new nurse. She will take care of you...." Mrs. Mary said again softly.

"Her name is Nadine." She gestured me to move forward to introduce myself.

"Hi, Brendan..." I extended my hand hesitantly. But...he didn't greet my hand! He still looked at to the trees over the pool!

Mrs. Mary looked at my face with the guilty expression. I understood and slightly bowed my head with a little smile to comfort her as pulling my hand back.

She then rubbed her son's shoulders again still with fond manner as if he was a ten years old boy. "Maigo will help pick you up at 3:00, honey. I love you." She kissed him.

She then said to me, "Let we inside."

"I'm sorry honey...! He can be acting so disrecpectful sometimes! Since the accident, he has lost himself..." Mrs. Mary seemed to feel bad about her son. "He was so nice...." She let out a sigh, I saw her eyes slightly glistening.

"It's Ok." I smiled a little, feeling compassionate for her....and his son....

Mrs. Mary then called Maigo, the housemaid, to pick a paper on the cabinet in her room.

"Ok. Tomorrow is your first day. Here is your schedules. If you have trouble doing anything, just ask me or Maigo, okay?"

"Yes." I replied.

Mr. Mary offered me to back home with her car, but I refused it as I had to go to another direction from her reunion place.


"Have fun honey!" My mom called from the window before I went work. I waved her back.

This day was my first day's work in this large home. I walked nervously toward my first youngest ever patient, Brendan. I was 23, he would be in the same age of my oldest brother, Nathan.

He was in front of the pool which I thought his favorite place. I stood still...confuse about what to do with this cold, numb guy. He appeared to be unfriendly person even before all were began tomorrow morning...!

The situation in this large house in the outer side of Darligton was so quiet. Behind the barrier wall was a forest, from the backyard I could see there was a green hill. I was still like a statue behind this apathetic guy. He was reading a book no heed me as if I didn't exist there...!

Then, he suddenly coughed! He seemed getting dry coughing! I got idea... I walked hastily to the kitchen to take a drink. With the helping of Maigo, I made a lemon tea. I walked back to the backyard with a glass of the drink in my hand.

He was still coughing. But he appeared trying to hold it when he knew I was coming.

"I think you need this..." I tried to say politely as I had been taught how to treat every patients.

"I'm not thirsty." He said coldly. His voice was deep and hoarse.

"But you're coughing, your dry throat need something fresh. This lemon tea will make you feel better." I acted as the every nurses should to be, with smile on my face.

He glanced at my face directly as glared fiercely, "I said no need a drink!" A flash of feeling irritated was visible inside those jet black eyes.

"O..ok... " I said nervously as looking down. I got shocked by his sudden growl!

A day long, his hard gestures had made me worked in awkwardness and  worrieness... I almost did nothing, just stood behind the untouchable man only to make him felt comfort.


My first day's job really got me disappointed feeling. I grumbled along my way back home. "Why he's so irksome? Huh!!"

But, after freshen myself by showering, the pictures of his handsome face that then kept wandering around my mind's eye, could gradually melt my unpleasant feelings. He got thick eyebrows and facial hairs as his father which I met before I finished my work. And... though looked somber, fiercing and cold.....actually I liked those jet black eyes...! Her mother had told me that he became sensitive by his paralysis. "I know he's a good person..." I lost in reveries...

The day two, I came earlier as this morning was a time to bathe my patient. It was written in the schedule.

I made my way to Brendan's bedroom down the hall, walking through the long coridor with a row of closed rooms at both sides. I was like in the luxury classical hotel....

When I was going to open the door, I stopped. I heard snoorings, he was still sleeping...! I pushed the unlocked door a little. Out of the corners of my eyes, I noticed his feet on the bed's edge. The room was bright, Maigo said that Brendan always letting the curtains opened even in the night while he's sleeping.

Determined not too disturb him about anything, I felt confuse how I started. But at the end, I decided to come inside to wake him up. I stepped straight into the room without hesitation.

And what I saw then...was a big man slept tight on the large soft white bed. He was in blue sleepwear with some buttons opened expossing his bright skin. Unfastened button on top of the clothes revealed his muscled chest. And.....he had all of his beards shaven! I got stupefied... I admitted, he is a big hot handsome guy...! He was not really looked like a paralyzed man when in that sleeping position. As a handsome rugby player with that nice fit body, all the girls would be ready doing anything to be with him.... I got a trance as looked at that big figure with amazement.

I tried to focus on my duty not to the irresistible figure, but the naughty daydreamings kept blowing in my mind. I wanted to touch that thick arm...that adorable face...

"Focus, Nadine!!" I told myself. I made my direction to a chair beside the bed. I saw a glass of drink and noodle on a plate for his breakfast on the nightstand. "He allowed Maigo to enter his bedroom, so I do too," I thought...

I glanced back to the bed. Again... In a desperate attempt not to lock my eyes to his face, I then could only transfixed in my sitting. Admiring his facial hair on that pale skin. He got so handsome manly face with that clean shaved neckbeard and...his lips. His mouth opened while snooring softener now. The thirst consumed me, I sucked in my throat. No guy had ever had this effect on me before...!

A slight movement on his left arm, had my conciousness back. On my nerves, I extended my hand to wake him up.

The time my fingers touched his arm's skin, he woke up with a jolt!

I took my hand back, felt so worry by his reaction...!

Finding me sitting next to his bed, he looked to feel alarmed. He leaned his body backwards on his palms. His body tightening, he stared at me, looked very strange by my existence."What are you doing here?" He looked so discomfortable. "When You came in?"

I could only stared at him and feeling agitated.

"It''s my room? Get out of my room!!" He stiffened. He tried to raise his back to sit. He clenched the sheet as staring at me.

"I..I's time for you to take a bath..." I stuttered.

He loosen the hard face a little, "So...What will you do here? See me bathing?" He said curtly.

"I... I...Your mom gives me schedule to bath you."

"What?!" He leaned his body farther to the back as if he didn't want me touching him, "I don't believe it!"

"O..okay, I will take the scedule...!" Hurriedly I got out of the room. I ran back to show him my schedules.

Brendan looked at it in a flash and threw his sight away.

I looked down as mused how to bathe him. I used to clean the decrepits. They were old and easy to handle.... But this time, I must deal with the oddest patient ever. Bad tempered, stubborn and really a rough guy!!

"I can take a shower with myself..." He said wintry as tried to edge from the bed. Saw me still standing in front of the bed, he stared at me. His jet eyes didn't stray from my face for 3 seconds, burning with hatred. It's the longest stare I got... And even he gave me a snort...!!

I stepped backward...

Brendan moved laboriously, looked struggle so hard to move every parts his body. I felt pity for this young guy. With that the big body, he couldn't even move easily from his bed. Finally he could reach the bed's edge and then swinging his legs out of the bed. He extended one hand to reach out a shower chair beside the bed. It was a space from the bed to the shower chair. I was going to roll close the chair for him.... But a fierced glancing, had made me stepped backward again. With haste movement he reached the tip of the wheelcair and dragging it.

He tried to lift his big body, he used his muscled arms supporting his weak body. His hands gripped the sheet and bed's surface so hard that made the veins and tendons stood out on his pale skin. He grimaced and exhaled, he was really looked in great difficulty. His body was shaky. There was wobbly on his arms...

I really want to help this poor guy... I knew he must feel so embarrassed I was there seeing him. But, I must make sure he's safe.

He succeeded setting his one foot on the shower chair's footplate. And... When lifted his waist up from the bed as dragging one other leg, his wobbly figure moved awkwardly...! I could recognize he's in trouble! And, suddenly...Bum!! The big body darted off with a heavy thud with the shower chair struck down onto his body!

I let out a scream when that big figure abruptly fell down onto the floor!

Now, he lay floundering on the floor with the chair on top of his body and....with his face and clothes damped with the foods and water! Apparently when he slumped down, his one hand reflectly reaching the nightstand, but unfortunately it coudn't help, he fell bringing the nightand's cover with the drink and his breakfast...! Fortunately the glass and plate weren't shattered.

I rushed to his. He grimaced in pain. Hastily I released him from the shower chair. "Aarrgh....!" He let out a groan.

"So..sorry" I felt guilty had let him did all things by himself...

I held his big arms, hauled him up from the floor... But he's too heavy.... I bended by his side, put his one arm on my shoulder and with every strength I had, I lifted my body up. I tried to place him to sit on the bed first.

Finally the powerless big guy had been sitting on the bed's edge now. He's so messy with that noodles on his hair. I felt pitty but also feeling amused... The noodles and its gravy and sauce were smearing all over his handsome face! I tried to hold my grin. From his expression and those watery eyes, he seemed really embarrassed...

With a great difficulties for almost in half an hour, finally I could place Brendan on his shower chair. I rolled him into his bathroom. It was really a large bathroom with super sized bathtub. I cleaned his face from the foods. I swept it with a wet towel. Brendan just went dumb and no reaction. No words at all between us.

After cleaning his face, I got confused. I had to strip off her clothes...! Hesitantly I asked his permission.... He just still with sullen face.

"Sorry." Awkwardly I opened the buttons. During that the little tragedy, only the two buttons still been fastened in its slit. He looked uncomfortable as well as me. But I had to do this. How to tell Mrs. Mary when seeing her son in messy like this.

He was only in a tight black boxer now...! This guy had really a wellbuilt body! The tattoos on his left arm made this guy hotter! I got a heartrace and trembling....

Squinting my eyes in an unsuccessful effort to block out the incredible sensual scene of him, and about worrying he could see my flushing face, I managed myself standing at the back of his shower chair. I soaked the soap spoons as then brushing all over his body. I was then really in trouble, struggling not to lock my eyes to the thing around his tight boxer...! I tried distracting my mind by thinking all things randomly to avoid the great temptation of this hunky bear.

He kept silent, with still in uncomfortable expression. I knew he was a strong guy, he could do anything by himself. Now, just for washing his body himself he needed someone to help him....

Finishid bathing, when I asked him where he places her clothes, he just turned his head to rattan container at the corner. I took a casual shirt...and a long pants from the container. I put a towel on his laps. And hesitantly slid my hands inside pulling the black boxer down. Briefly I could saw his eyes looking at no particular direction, red-faced...still with sullen expression.

When the time I cleaned the floor, I noticed, out of the corners of my eyes that he was staring at me. It got me nervous... Then, the hissing sound of him started. He seemed didn't want me been there, in his private room for longer. Had a thought not to get him going mad, in hurry I cleaned the floor and rolled him to the backyard.

After wheeled him outside for sun bathing, I took a rest in the back room as watching out my patient. Through the window, I could see Maigo came close as then handed him a drink. He seemed fine to be close with Maigo... I got a hope, one day he might accept me too... The less hardened appearances when I was washing him is a good start...


Some minutes later, when I was feeling sleepy, Maigo came inside. She told me that Brendan wanted me to come. She smiled as I did. I felt excited, finally this cold guy is really needing me!

In quiet breathing, I inhaled deeply that arousing aroma of his when I came close. He had the most mouthwatering scent I've smelled.

I cleared my throat to tell him I was there. But, this guy still ignored the whole of my existence. He kept looking at the pool.

"I need you to get away from this house." Unexpectedly he said that thing straightforward!

Not sure if I was getting loss in my hearing, I asked him again, "What do you mean?"

"I don't need somenone to care me. And since you, a stranger girls just came to my beedrom without my permission, no other reason for you to stay here for longer time." He said coldly.

He then handed me an envelope as still did not look at my face, "Here is your compensation, so you can go for another job tomorrow or work by yourself."

I gasped. I felt like this guy is a dark hearted person ever. "Is this guy a vampire who haven't drank human blood for more than a century?" I cursed in my mind.

"NO, Thanks!" I answered clearly. "I don't need your money! And I will not go out here. Though it's really unpleasant to care a person like you, this is my job! I have been signing a contract for at least for the next six months! So, from now conform yourself with this cheeky girl!" I said straightforward about the reality.

"Oh, once more thing! You will not ever chase me away from your parent's house? And I'm paid by your parents here!"

I spoke involuntary caused of my great offence!

He looked up my face and glanced back. I could feel from his eyes, he was startled with my reaction.

"Stubborn...!" He then grumbled.

"You're the stubborn, Useless man ever I meet!" I said, feeling irritated. I don't care I had become a spiteful girl!

"What!! What've you said?" He asked back, voice filled with angriness as he glared me sharply.

I could see his thick hands gripped the wheelchair's hands. It had me shrunken a little.

But then, unintentionally I said another words, "Yeah, You should've confess to yourself, you need help in that condition!" I said as pointing my index finger to his wheelchair. "No wonder, all those people had left you! Be the nice person if you want others respect You!" I said emotionally!

"Also, let me give you a piece of advice for you! Treat another especially the girl like she's a human!" I stared back him.

His pale face had already turned burnt red! His chiseled jaws hardened. Those jet eyes were watering with angriness! "Go away from here!! I no need a Nurse like you!!" He growled in a high tone!

"OK, rot in your dark world alone!! You think I enjoyed handle a rude guy, bitter face like you!" I snorted.

"Okay! I'll let you alone, NOW!!" I said again, turned around and walked away.

In a quick glance, I saw he got numb. My sudden burst of anger and all my words had shut him off! Actually, in deep my heart, I felt guilty for all I had told...but this stubborn patient must get life lessons to make him realize that he needs others...!

Came inside the house, I grabbed the vacuum cleaner in the corner and then cleaning the floor. It wasn't really my job but I needed to distract my irritated feelings. Maigo wasn't in the house, she was going to the market. Mrs. Mary and husband were attending a wedding party. It's better, I really needed some quality alone time instead of watching out the uncooperated patient!

"Let see how long you can hold yourself by the sunlight!" I murmured as moved the cleaner roughly.

For some minutes, I got absorbed in my emotional cleaning activity, letting the arrogant patient got sunburnt outside...!

Then, amongst the sonorous sound of the machine, I heard a sudden strange sound, don't know what it was and from where! I was distracted for a while. I turned off the cleaner, trying to sharpen my ears. Quiet.... "Maybe from the street..." I thought. I continued cleaning the floor.

After felt tired, I stopped. It was late afternoon. I remembered Brendan, felt a little bit guilty...! It was summer, he might be feeling heat outside. I looked out the window. He didn't there in his place...! Hastily I walked out to the backyard, explored each parts around the backyard, but did not see him! I began to get a little worries! He needs someone to help him passing the footstep up if he wanted to back inside. Now. I truly became frantic!

The bell rang. Hurriedly I rushed to the front door, Mrs. Mary and Mr. James had come home!

"How is my big Boy, han?"

"I..I...He, he disappeared, Mam...!!" I stammered.

"What? What you mean?" She stared me, looked confuse.

"I..I don't know... He isn't at home...!"

"How can?!"

My nervous tension seemed to affect Mrs. Mary to have the same feeling too. She then anxiously wandering around the house as calling her son which she loves so much. I rushed back to the backyard as I still felt certainty that he couldn't go anywhere from there.

No get any signs of Brendan's existence...! I looked around desperately...

Then... I saw the pool...! No ripples in it's surface... My sense dragged me to walk toward the pool. My heart pounding as came close... And, when I looked down to the pool....

"Oh my God!!" I gasped in shock! I saw a figure in the bottom of the pool!!
You're invited to continue this story!
Genre: : Contemporary Romance with bittersweet scenes
Characters:  Nadine (the lifely nurse, loving person but sometimes speaks to the point, little bit emotional), Brendan (The paralyzed rugby player, depressed, lonely, cold, rude, apathetic, actually a loving guy) Mrs. Mary (Brendan's mother, loves the son so much, warm person, classy lady), Maigo (The obedient housemaid), Mr. James (Brendan's father, a business man, not talk much)
Plot/Setting: Darlington
Storyline's Random Keys: Sadness, the depressed rugby player, he becomes lost of his good manner, funny moments, Brendan's irritating behaviours
Point Of View: First person POV (All are in Nadine's perspective)

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  1. "Anybody help Me! Please!!" I screamed out loud and without thinking I plunged into the pool!
